Kakatiya University M Tech Exam Fee Notification 2025

KU M.Tech  SEM Examination Fee Notification 

Kakatiya University M Tech Sem Reguar  Ex-Candidates Exam Fee Notification Jan : Kakatiya University (KU) has published M Tech First Year  Sem Exam fee 2025 @ www.kakatiya.ac.in. The number of candidates is very high. M Tech year is looking for the first-semester examination fee notification. Those who need Kakatiya University students can make a note of the fees listed below this website.


Kakatiya University M Tech  Examination Fee Notification 

  • Organization Name: Kakatiya University (KU)
  • Test Name: M Tech
  • Category: Examination Fees Notification
  • Status: Available now …
  • Exam dates: 2025
  • Official website: www.kakatiya.ac.in

About Kakatiya University :

Kakatiya University is organized in one month in January M Tech Examination. It is informed by this that M. take. First Year I – Semester Examinations, (for all Regular / Alumni) are in the month of January. The following are the latest dates for payment of examination fees and submission of online/manual application documents by the students. In their respective universities:

KU M.Tech  Reg / Ex-Students Exam Fee Notification 

FEE Partners
For all papers: Rs. 1200 / –
Up to two papers: Rs. 600 / –
Apart from this, it can be noted that the application form will not be BE No conditions have been accepted after 09-01-2024. late Submission of application, fines of rupees. 2,000 / – per day will be charged against Colleges Detailed timetables will be notified in due time.

Kakatiya University M Tech  Examination Fee Notification 

1. Candidates have to submit Xerox copies of seat allocation and joining report, degree Certificate of qualification exam scores with them, and consolidated memos Application letter.
2. Candidates should confirm their eligibility as per the norms before dispatch. Exam fee Once exempted, any situation will not be adjusted back or adjusted.
3. Later, as per the late permit, the candidates will get Rs. 1,000 / – delay will be charged fixed date. No application will be considered after the examination begins.

Principals of the respective colleges are requested to follow the following:

1. To find the eligibility of the candidates before sending the application.
Only qualified candidate If any deviation is found, then the college @ Rs. 20,000 / – per According to the norms, each deviation.
2. Demand Draft (S) will be prepared in favor of “Registrar, Ku Exam Account”.Payable in State Bank of India, Ku Branch (Code No. 2020262), Warangal

To deposit the following with nominal roll of candidates:
1. Application Form
2. No outstanding certificate from Dean College Development Council and academic audit for each
From the academic section for the examination and the I year or I semester examination of any course,
3. D.Ds. Adequate fee as
4. 3 sets of NRs downloaded
5. Name of the candidate and his father should be printed in the merit Examination/Degree
6. The International / Regional Marks should be uploaded online through kuonline.com and submitted as hard Copies in Examination Branch.
7. Approved list by the competent authority
  1. Click Here for Kakatiya University M Tech  Regular  Exam Fee Notification