UPTU AKTU A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University B.Tech Even Semester 2nd 4th 6th 8th Exam Result


A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University recently held an even semester exam for the B.Tech courses. A huge number of students attended the 2nd 4th 6th 8th Semester Exams in May /June. The applicants who attended the exam are eagerly waiting for the AKTU B.Tech Semester III /IV /VI /VIII Results on various sites. The students will get the UPTU B.Tech Semester 2 4 6 Results in August. For aspirants, we will mention the release date of the UPTU AKTU B.Tech Semester Result on our web portal. The students have mentioned the simple steps and link to download the result from the official site. Applicants who want to know more details regarding the result read the below lines.

Release Date Of UPTU B.Tech II/ IV/ VI/ VIII Semester Result 
The AKTU is popularly known as Uttar Pradesh Technical University. It is the university offering technical, UG, and PG courses for admissions. Now the university had conducted the semester exam for the B.Tech courses. The university conducts the even Semester exams in May / June. Similarly, the odd Semester exams will hold in November/December. Every year a large number of students will attend the exam. Now the aspirants had attended the even Semester exam and going to release the result on the official site. The applicant will get AKTU B.Tech Even Semester Result Date details on the official web portal. The student who wants more details regarding the result can go through the below lines.

AKTU B.Tech Semester Result ~ Declared

  • Name of the University Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow
  • Odd Sem Exam Conducted for the Courses B.Tech Courses
  • Category is About AKTU B.Tech Even Semester Exam Results
  • UPTU B.Tech Sem 2 4 6  Exam Dates May/June
  • Release Date of AKTU B.Tech Semester 2 4 6 Exam Result August
  • Official Website www.aktu.ac.in
Check UPTU AKTU B.Tech 2nd 4th 6th 8th Semester Result ~ Here
The contenders who attended need to have the patience to check the result on the official site. The university is planning to release the UPTU B.Tech Semester 2 4 6 8 Results in the second week of August. The applicant will get the result details on the official web portal. The contenders will get the result updates on the official web portal. The students may get the result with a mark sheet. The aspirants can use the duplicate mark sheet for any emergency purpose. The students searching for the result can use the below link to get the result from the official web portal. Even applicants can go through the below steps to make a search process for the result easily.
  • The aspirants should open the website first.
  • Click on the Result tab on the home page.
  • Then select the OverView of student Result data link from the dropped list
  • Enter the roll number of the student and click on the search
  • Aspirants will get the result on the screen.
  • Then aspirants can download the result for further use.
Click Here To Get UPTU AKTU B.Tech Even Semester 2nd|4th|6th|8th Exam Result 
AKTU UPTU B.Tech Semester 2 4 6 8 Mark Sheet 
The university is going to issue the mark sheet for the students who attended the event Semester exams. The aspirants will get the AKTU B.Tech Even Semester Mark Sheet in September. The students need to take the mark sheet from the university. The university sends a message or mail for the students to collect the mark sheet. The applicants need to visit the official web portal to get mark sheet details. The university issue the mark sheet for students as proof of attending the semester exam and mark scored in the exam. The applicants to know more details of the marl sheet visit the official web portal.
UPTU B.Tech Sem Revaluation Application 
The applicants after getting the result not happy with the marks can apply for the revaluation or supply exam. The University revaluation for the students to clear the doubts in the correction of the exam. In the Revaluation exam, the official of the university checks the exam paper, and the mark will be updated. Even a copy of the answer sheet will be given by the university to the students. The university will start the revaluation exam process one or two weeks after the declaration of the result. The students get the AKTU B.Tech Semester Revaluation Notification in August. The applicants need to go through the notification and then apply for the exam. The students will get a notification with applying the process of the exam, exam fee &, etc details mentioned on it.
The contenders will get the revaluation application online. Then aspirants need to pay the rechecking fee as mentioned in the notification. The contenders to know more details regarding the revaluation exam go through the official notification.
AKTU B.Tech Semester Supply Notification
The supply exams will conduct for the students having backlogs in the Semester exam. The students to clear the backlog need to write the exam once again. The students will get the supply notification one month after the declaration of the result. The contenders may get the UPTU B.Tech Semester Supply Notification in September. The aspirants should go through the notification and apply for the exams. The students will get the supply fee details in the notification. The students may get the supply application in October. Students to collect more details regarding supply notification visit the official web portal.
Here we have mentioned enough details of the above notification. The contenders who want more details regarding the date sheet can ask us by mentioning them in the comment box. Even applicants need to be in touch with our web portal to get updates on the above notification.
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UPTU AKTU A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University B.Tech Even Semester 2nd 4th 6th 8th Exam Result  Click Here