Telangana  SSC 10th Class Exam  HallTickets Download

TS Board SSC 10th Class Exam HallTickets  Download

TS SSC / 10th Class Hall Tickets 2025: Board of Secondary Education Telangana (BSE TS) will be announced soon Xth Class Public / Annual Examination Hall Tickets . Many candidates are looking for this examination hall tickets. All required candidates can access and download this page.

BSE Telangana will carry out 10 exams . This examination plan is available on the official website at And also this exam plan will include various web portals such as, &

  1.         Name of the organization: Telangana secondary (BSE TS)
  2.         Name of examination: 10th class
  3.         Category: Hall Tickets
  4.         Status: Available soon …
  5.         Examination dates:
  6.         Times:
  7.         Official website:

TS SSC / 10th Class Hall Tickets Download 

TS 10th Hall Tickets  is so much valuable for all those candidates who are trying to pass the final examinations of the SSC year  because without examining a card a scholar will not be approved to pass into the examining center of government school as a whole Telangana, India. Well, if you were looking for an examination hall ticket then you are on a very proper page because here you can access the indoor ticket through direct link for BSE Telangana SSC Hall Tickets  in the easy way.
Telangana Government every year Leads the SSC Board Exams For the students those who have applied through applications. This year, 5.75 Lakh people almost write exams in corresponding examination centers. So everyone must pick up the hall tickets for entry into the hall. How to Download the Ts 10th Hall Tickets  From Below Without Failure.
Board of Secondary Education Telangana (BSE TS) will distribute TS SSC / 10th Annual Exam Hall Tickets . All students can get their Telangana SSC Final Exam Call Letter from their respective colleges or can also TS SSC Roll Number Slip Online through the official website of BSE TS.
Directorate of Government Examinations is an independent department, under Ministry of Secondary Education, Government of Telangana. The department is responsible for conducting the SSC / OSSC Public Examinations and a series of minor examinations