Calcutta University UG Exam Time Table Result


Calcutta University is going to behavior the yearly assessments for the Under Graduate publications for the Session. The contenders pursuing the UG courses at Calcutta University have to get ready to wait for the yearly examination in April & May. The university had launched the software forms for the UG annual examination. The contenders want to go to the website to replenish the form. The university is going to launch the UG (Gen & Hons) Part 1/ 2/ 3 Exam Time Table in January. The launch date of the Calcutta University B.Com Part-I/ II/ III Date Sheet is intimated in our article. We are here to help you download the Calcutta University UG Exam Time Table from the website. The aspirants to know extra information about the above notification undergoes the underneath article.

Released Date of Calcutta University BA B.Sc B.Com (Gen & Hons) Time Table 

Every year Calcutta University conducts the annual exams for the various UG route. A huge number of students will take part in the annual exam. The aspirants who decide to appear for the examination need to sign up their names for the exam. The college released the application from the internet site in September. The contenders need to go to the Official site to fill out the application shape. Even there may be an Application fee for the annual exam. The exam fee details are noted inside the legitimate notice. The university released the awareness in September. The aspirants to understand more info about the Application form goes to the legitimate website.

Cal University UG Part I/ II/ III Exam Time Table  ~ Declared

Calcutta University is presenting the BA, B.SC, B.Com, MA, M.Sc, M.Com, MBA, MCA, BCA, and BBA & different guides with numerous streams. The aspirants need to check in their call in September. The annual exam is conducted in April. The Calcutta Univer B.Sc Part-1/ 2/ 3 Schedule is launched one or two months before the exam. The contenders need to visit the internet site to recognize more info on the date sheet. For UG courses the university conducts the semester examination. The semester examination is carried out two times in 12 months. The Even semester is held in April/ May and the bizarre sem exam is conducted in December. For the UG route, the college conducts an annual examination.

Download University of Calcutta BA B.Sc B.Com 1st 2d Final Year Time Table 
The aspirants who registered their call for examination need to download the BA 1st/2d and Final Year Time Table of Calcutta University from the Official website. The students get the timetable within January. The release date of the timetable is referred to on our website. The aspirants by using using the date sheet can prepare for the examination. The students will get the syllabus quickly on a reliable website. The aspirants by using the below link can download the exam Time Table from the authentic site. The contenders can download the datasheet from the internet site by following the under-time desk.


  • Visit the reputable website first.
  •  Click on the university exam tab on the index web page.
  • Select the exam and click on the Under Graduate hyperlink.
  • The listing of hyperlinks will show on the screen.
  • Select the Calcutta University UG Exam Time Table hyperlink.
  •  The PDF file of the time desk will show on the display.
  •  Contenders must choose the specific guides and click on the timetable.
  •  Then Download or take a printout of the timetable.
  • Click Here To Get Calcutta University BA B.Sc B.Com Gen & Hons Part-1 2 three Exam Schedule


Cal University UG Year I/ II/ III Admit Card 

The aspirants who applied for the examination need to download the hall ticket from a reliable website. The hall price ticket will release one week before the exam. The candidates want to go to the Official website to recognize the admit card info. The Calcutta University UG Hall Ticket may additionally release in February. The aspirants want to hold the hall ticket to the examination middle because without a hall ticket the aspirant not be allowed to attend the examination. The contenders can have information on examination dates, exam middle, and private information of a scholar in the Hallticket. The applicants need to have the staying power to download the admit card and date sheet. The aspirants need to visit our internet site often to understand updates on the exam date sheet.

Declaration Date of Calcutta University BA B.Sc B.Com Annual Result 

After the entirety of the exam, the student tries to find the result details. So to help the aspirants we have furnished the result and addition method after the assertion of the result. The University takes forty to 50 days to launch the result on the official website. The aspirants may additionally get the bring about the month of May. The aspirants need to go to the official website to realize the result information. The result utility range hall ticket range for the students. The aspirants get the mark sheet for the theory and sensible examination. The realistic examination was performed one month before the theory tests. The aspirants who exceeded the examination and are not happy with the marks can follow for the rechecking and improvement checks. The Revaluation and improvement exam information are referred to underneath.

Cal University UG Supply/ Revaluation Form

The development examination is performed for those aspirants having backlogs or who want to attain greater marks inside the exam and so on can practice for the exam. If any student has doubts about the correction of the paper can observe for the revaluation. In rechecking in front of the aspirants the solution script is checked and a recount of the marks will be accomplished. Through this, the aspirants can have a chance to grow their marks. The contenders applying for the delivery tests should seem for the exam. The delivery tests might also behave two months after the declaration of the annual result. The contenders will supply exam information on the official internet site. The candidates will get the examination dates and observe on the legitimate site. The aspirants to recognize more info of the examination be in contact with our internet site.

University of Calcutta BA B.Sc B.Com Annual Exam TimeTable 

  • Name of the University Calcutta University
  • Conducted the Courses BA, B.Com, B.Sc ( General/ Hons )
  • Name of the Examination UG Annual Examination
  • Article is About Calcutta University UG Exam TimeTable 
  • Release Date Calcutta University UG Part I/ II/ III Schedule
  • Official Website Address www.Caluniv.Ac.In
Note: The aspirants pursuing the UG courses need to go to our internet site often to know the UG annual examination updates. If we get any notes approximately the UG time desk we can replace them on our website. The contenders having any doubts about the timetable can ask us by commenting below.


Calcutta University Exam Time Table Result Click Here