APOSS SSC Exam TimeTable

AP Open 10th Exam TimeTable 


APOSS SSC Time Table AP Open 10th Examination Time Table: The Andhra Pradesh Open School Society (APOSS) has released the Secondary School Certification (SSC) / 10th Class Examination Annual Schedule. Many candidates are eagerly awaiting this examination plan. All required candidates can access and download this page.

APOSS SSC Time Table AP Open 10th Examination Time Table


APOSS SSC Time Table AP Open 10th Examination Time Table, APOSS will perform Open Xth Class Examinations from. The duration of the examination is 3 hours from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm. So all candidates who participate in these exams can get a detailed schedule as given below …

APOSS SSC Time Table AP Open 10th Examination Time Table

APOSS SSC Time Table AP Open 10th Examination Time Table, The Andhra Pradesh Open School Society (APOSS) has uploaded the X. Class Examination Plan to its official website at www.apopenschool.org. And this audit plan will also be available on various web portals, such as www.manabadi.com, www.schools9.com & www.indiaresults.com.


APOSS SSC Time Table AP Open 10th Examination Time Table

Full Details About APOSSC Examination Schedule  Download

  1.         Name of the company: Andhra Pradesh Open School Society (APOSS)
  2.         Name of the test: SSC
  3.         Category: Timetable
  4.         Status: Released
  5.         Examination schedule:
  6.         Official website: https://apopenschool.ap.gov.in/

APOSS SSC Time Table AP Open 10th Examination Time Table

APOSS committee will now focus on maintaining the SSC exam schedule for the students who are in the SSC board exam. The board will be examining the exam routine that will allow students sufficient time to complete their exam curriculum. The students also plan their study program according to the board examination.

Andhra Pradesh Open School Society 10th Revised Exam TimeTable 


APOSS SSC Time Table AP Open 10th Examination Time Table

This year, several students visit the official portal daily for the X-class classrooms. Students who download the schedule via the official portal – apopenschool.org. The legal map is published on the main portal before the exam begins.

APOSS SSC Time Table AP Open 10th Examination Time Table 

Dear Andhra Pradesh State Open School Society (APOSS) SSC or 10th-grade students need to write the final examination date sheet and schedule after the students will write the public exam. This means that all pupils must be well prepared and always aim to achieve a high score in all disciplines. For the best preparation, students must learn this year’s Andhra Pradesh State Class 10th annual public exams for the Wise Model Question Paper topics.