AKTU A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University MBA MCA Exam Time Table 2025
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University goes to conduct the semester checks to the scholars of published graduation publications. The aspirants eagerly look ahead to the AKTU PG semester Exam Schedule going to launch on the respectable web page. The contenders must publish the admit card application paperwork before the last date. The Uttar Pradesh Technical University will declare the AKTU MBA MCA Date Sheet within November. The launch date of the UPTU MBA semester Time Table is intimated in our article. We have given the hyperlink and downloading steps of AKTU MBA MCA semester Exam Dates from the legit internet site alongside the AKTU B.Tech 1st 3rd 5th 7th semester Datasheet. The contenders going to appear for the semester tests want to get the AKTU MBA MCA Exam Hall ticket from the professional website.
Released Date of AKTU MBA Exam Schedule
The AKTU is typically called Uttar Pradesh Technical University. Every year the AKTU conducts the semester tests for UG and PG courses. As we realize each year the college conducts the bizarre semester examination in December Same Way even this year the AKTU is doing preparations to behavior the semester examination for the MBA & MCA courses. The UPT Univ MCA I, III semester Time Table released within October or November. The aspirants ought to get ready to enroll their a wide variety of the semester examination. The University conducts the even semester between March & April. Similarly, the ordinary semester exam is carried out in December. The AKTU launch the circular of engaging in the second-semester examination details available like examination dates, rate info, and ultimate date of utility form submission.
AKTU MCA 1st & 3rd semester Date Sheet ~ Declared
The UPTU is engaging in the semester examination for the MBA, MCA, M.Tech, and M.Pharm publications. The aspirants are expecting the timetable which is ready to release on the respectable internet site. The liberating date of time table will be intimate on our internet site. The contenders have to prepare to wait for the examination in December. The aspirants to understand the information of the timetable undergo the under traces.
- Name of the University Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow
- Odd Sem Exam Conducted for the Courses MBA &MCA Courses
- Category is About AKTU MBA MCA Sem Exam Schedule
- Release Date UPTU PG Odd semester Time Table November
- AKTU MBA/ MCA I& III semester Exam Dates December
- Official Website www.Aktu.Ac.In.
Download AKTU PG semester I/ III Time Table
The AKTU had decided to conduct the semester examination for MBA and MCA courses. The aspirants pursuing the MBA and MCA guides need to be prepared to attend the exam. The aspirants get the date sheet 30 days before the semester examination. The contenders pursuing the MBA & MCA publications need to go to the internet site and sign up name the applications will start in October and the packages and within November. The application dates mention on our website. If we get any dates approximately the semester examination mentioned on our internet site. The under link helps the aspirant download the AKTU MBA I/ III semester Date sheet from a reputable website.
- The aspirants need to open the website first.
- Click on the exam tab on the home web page.
- The listing of the hyperlink will drop on the display screen, then pick out the exam schedule.
- Select the “PG- M.Tech, M.Pharm” hyperlink from the web page.
- The listing of time table will display on the display.
- Contenders need to choose the “AKTU MBA Date Sheet” hyperlink.
- Download the timetable and put it together for the examination.
- Click Here To download AKTU MBA MCA Exam Schedule
AKTU MBA MCA semester Admit Card
The aspirants attending the examination are ready to download the admit card from the professional website. The candidates will get the admit card in November. The aspirants need to go to the authentic website to know the liberating date of the hall ticket. The contenders want to download the UPTU MBA Odd semester Hall Ticket from the authentic website. If the aspirants open the legitimate internet site and pick the admit card hyperlink. Then entering the utility number the contenders get the admit card. The aspirants will get the admit card with the info of the aspirants, examination dates, middle, timings, and so on. The applicants after receiving the admit card want to test whether the info displayed is correct or no longer. If mistakes are determined inside the admit card aspirants should inform right away to the officers of the University.
UPTU PG Odd semester Exam Result
The contenders after completion of the semester exam will look for the result. But the aspirants want to attend a few extra times to test their results. The AKTU will take most one or a month to release the result on a reputable internet site. We wish the AKTU MBA/ MCA semester Result can also launch within January of the subsequent yr. If we get any information about the result from the college point it out on our website. The contenders get the result with marks scored in every subject. Even the university offers the mark sheet to PG publications. The mark sheet might be given one month after the statement of the result. The contenders in addition procedure after a statement of the result studies the under strains.
AKTU MBA/ MCA semester Revaluation & Supply Exam
The AKTU will conduct the supply and revaluation exam for the PG publications. These tests are performed because the aspirants who scored low marks or have backlogs and many others can apply for the exam. It is a risk for the aspirants to grow their scores in specific situations. The Revaluation exam is performed for the re-correction of the examination paper. In the same way, in the delivery exam, the aspirants should reappear for the exam. The contenders can follow for the revaluation and deliver examination after the liberation of the awareness. The AKTU will launch the attention after the statement of the semester result. The contenders will attend the re-evaluation exam in February and deliver the exam will behavior held within March etc. The contenders want to stay tuned with us to recognize the greater updates of the timetable.
AKTU A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University MBA MCA 1st 3rd Semester Time Table Click Here
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