Andhra Pradesh State Open School  10th 12th Class Annual Exam TimeTable 

The Andhra Pradesh State Open School (APOSS) will behavior the board examination for Senior Secondary Certificate (SSC) (that is referred to as 10th Class) and 12th (For MPC Bi. P.C CEC MEC HEC) in April  and lots of numbers of students have taken admission in the 10th and 12th magnificence and that they have completed his instructions at a time and they’re getting ready very significantly for this board examination and after  that, they will seek the APOSS 10th 12th Exam Time Table/ Exam Schedule/ Exam Date Sheet/ Routine  it will launch inside the month of probably October/ November and they may capable the download exam time table from the reliable website @ www.Apopenschool.Org

Key Information on APOSS 10th 12th Class Exam Schedule 

The Andhra Pradesh State Open School (APOSS) board is the largest board to conduct the board exam for 10th and twelfth magnificence. APOSS board had completed its admission process and now this board is going to behavior the board exam, so those college students who have searched the exam timetable concerning APOSS board 10th twelfth elegance will be able to download it from the official website. Candidates of APOSS who want to download the syllabus and examination pattern for the 10th and 12th classes for this exam could download them from the reputable internet site of Andhra Pradesh State Open School (APOSS) and additionally, we will upload them here. And additionally may be downloaded the preceding 12 months’ model papers from the reputable website of APOSS.

Information at the APOSS 10th & 12th April Exam Results  

Those applicants who have regarded inside the board examination of 10th twelfth magnificence conducted with the aid of the  Andhra Pradesh State Open School (APOSS), after the exam they may seek APOSS 10th 12th Exam Results over the internet on numerous sites and they’ll capable to test their respective effects with the aid of entering his Roll No. Noted at the Admit Card.

Click right here to get APOSS SSC HSC Public Exam Routine/Dates –

 Andhra Pradesh State Open School  10th 12th Annual Exam TimeTable Click Here