Biography Of Marie Curie


Marie Curie

Marie Curie (1867 – 1934) was a Polish scientist who received the Nobel Prize in both Chemistry as well as Physics. Curie pioneered work in the area of Radioactivity which enabled radioactive isotypes to be identified for the first time. In the First World War, Curie discovered the practical application of X-Rays. She also identified two elements that were not previously known: radium and polonium. Her groundbreaking scientific research was more impressive due to the prejudice that was rife for women scientists in the early days. Her first professor was female at the University of Paris and broke the barriers that women faced in science.

“Humanity requires practical people who can get the most from their jobs, and, while not forgetting the greater good, defend their interests. Humanity also requires those who are dreamers, because the uninterested progress of an enterprise is so compelling that it is impossible to give their attention to their financial gain.”

– Marie Curie


Short Bio Marie Curie

Marya Sklodowska was born on 7 November 1867 in Warsaw Poland. Her siblings were the youngest. She was raised by an educated but poor family. Marya did well in her studies and was awarded numerous prizes. From a young age, she was committed to the idea of Polish freedom from Russia which at the time, was ruling Poland with a ferocious hand and specifically, making it difficult for intellectuals. She was determined to impart knowledge to her fellow Polish women, who were mostly restricted to a lack of education.

In a way that was unusual for women of the past, Marya took an interest in Chemistry and Biology. Because the opportunities in Poland for further studies were very limited, Marya went to Paris and after working as a governess, she could study at Sorbonne, Paris. In a struggle to learn French, Marya threw herself into her studies, living an ascetic lifestyle dedicated to education and expanding her understanding of science. She earned an education in Physics and was a top performer in her class. Curie later earned an education in Maths and was a second-place finisher in her senior year. Curie was a natural for work.

“Life isn’t always easy for everyone. But what is the solution? It is essential to have perseverance and most importantly, faith in our abilities. We have to be convinced that we are destined to do something and that this gift, regardless of cost, should be attained.”

Pierre and Marie Currie

Time was in Paris that she first met Pierre Curie, who was the head of the laboratory in the School of Physics and Chemistry. He was a famous Chemist who had conducted numerous research on electronic devices and crystals. Pierre was fascinated by the young Marya and wanted her to marry him. Marya initially refused, but after a persistent plea from Pierre, she complied. When Pierre died in 1906, the two became unbreakable. Apart from cooperation in work, they also spent a lot of leisure time cycling and traveling across Europe together.


Biography Of Marie Curie



Marie Curie’s work on Radioactivity

Marie pursued studies in radioactivity. In 1898, she brought about the discovery of two brand-new elements. One of them was called polonium after her country of origin.

Then followed an extensive four-year study into the properties of radioactive. By using uranium tailings that were dumped from a mine nearby extremely slowly and with great effort they were able to extract a decigram of radioactive.

Radium was found to have extraordinary impacts. While testing the product Marie was struck by burns caused by radiation. It was because of this discovery of radium as well as its properties that radiation science was able to evolve. It was discovered that radium could be used to eliminate damaged cells in the body. In the beginning, this form of radiotherapy was known as ‘curietherapy’.

The Curries were willing to share their secrets for free; they were not interested in patenting the value of this element. The element soon became popular and was put into industrial production.

To celebrate their discoveries and research, they were given the Davy Medal (Britain) and the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903. Marie Curie was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize.

The year 1906 was the year that Pierre died in an accident on the highway which left Marie to care for the lab and her two children. The two children she had included Irene Joliot Currie (1897-1956) along with Eve Curie (1904-2007). Irene was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1935, along with her husband.

She was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1911. won the second Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery of actinium, as well as further research, radium, and polonium.

The achievements that were Marie Curie also brought considerable disdain skepticism and hostility from the male-dominated world of science. Marie Curie suffered from malicious allegations, and rumors that were circulated among rivals who were jealous.

Marie_Curie The beginning of World War I in 1914, led to Marie Curie dedicating her time to the establishment of hospital X-ray machines. Marie was aware that X-rays could detect shrapnel and provide better treatment for soldiers. At the time of the First World War, over one million soldiers had been examined by her X-ray machines.

Marie Curie at International Conference. Einstein is the second person on the right.

After the First World War, she returned to the Institute of Radium in Paris. She also wrote a book titled Radiology during the First World War (1919) that contained her most innovative ideas about science. Curie was also pleased to join the recently formed League of Nations by joining the International Commission for Intellectual Cooperation in August 1922.

“I believe international work is a heavy task, but that it is nevertheless indispensable to go through an apprenticeship in it, at the cost of many efforts and also of a real spirit of sacrifice: however imperfect it may be, the work of Geneva has a grandeur that deserves our support.”

Letter to Eve Curie (July 1929)

Marie Curie was known for her modest lifestyle and frugality. She requested any money prizes to be awarded to research organizations rather than her. In during the First World War, she gave their Nobel Prizes to French Treasury.

Marie Curie died in 1934  a victim of Cancer. It was a tragic result of her revolutionary research into radiation, which helped so many people.


Marie Curie was a pioneer in pushing back scientific frontiers and also set new standards for female scientific and academic achievements.

The discovery of radium allowed Ernest Rutherford to study how the electrons form in the atom and also provided the basis that was needed for Radiotherapy to treat cancer.

Curie was also a key part of changing the role of women in science and society.


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