Biography Of Ernest Hemingway


Ernest Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – – July 2 19th, 1961) was an American journalist and author. His unique style of writing, which was understated, was a major influence on 20th-century literature and culture.

Hemingway was part of the most significant conflicts in Europe in the early part of the 20th century. His war experiences produced dramatic accounts that describe the horrors of war in modern times. Two of his most important books are The Farewell To Armed Forces (1929) which is concerning The First World War, and For Whom the Bell tolls (1940) For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940) on The Spanish Civil War. A number of his works are considered to be classics in American literary works.


Childhood and early life


Hemingway was born on the 18th of May,1899 located in Oak Park, Illinois. After graduating from school, he was an editor for The Kansas City City Star. Later, his writing style was inspired by the style guide of the newspaper. “Use shorter sentences. Use short first paragraphs. Use vigorous English. Be positive, not negative.”

However, after a few months of work, in 1918 he enlisted with the Red Cross to volunteer as an ambulance driver in the First World War. He was sent to the Italian front where he saw the horrors of the trench war. In July 1918, he was seriously wounded by mortar fire, but, despite his injuries and coming under machine-gun fire – still managed to carry two Italian comrades to safety. He was awarded the Italian Silver Medal for this act of bravery.

While recovering from his injuries, he became enamored with the Red Cross nurse, Agnes von Kurowsky However, she refused his proposal of marriage. This decision left an emotional mark. A decade later, in 1929 Hemmingway would write a semi-autobiographical novel, – A Farwell to Arms based on his war experiences. The main character in the book is an ambulance driver who becomes disillusioned with the war and then elopes with a Spanish girl to Switzerland.

Hemingway returned to the US and fought with his parents. Hemingway did not like the moralistic style of his outwardly religious mother. She was accused by Hemingway of living a life of “lazy lounging and pleasure-seeking Hemingway’s freedom-loving spirit opposed the more strict and moral stance and he decided to walk off from the family and never reconciled.

In 1921, he married Hadley Richardson, the first of four wives. He relocated to Chicago and later Paris in 1921, where he lived for most of the time between wars. He was a reporter for Toronto Star and became acquainted with a variety of modernist writers like James Joyce, Gertrude Stein, and Ezra Pound who lived in Paris in the era. In 1926, Hemingway published the novel that became a hit “The Sun also rises” which was based upon the generation of American socialites who traveled through Europe. In his own words, Hemingway enjoyed the atmosphere and the intellectual fascination of Paris during the 1920s.’

“If you’re fortunate enough to have been able to live in Paris in your youth If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris, wherever you go throughout your life, Paris will stay with you. Paris is a feast that can be moved.”


— Ernest Hemingway, A Moving Feast

In 1932, Hemingway wrote a non-fiction novel “The Dancing of the Dead” which was a sympathetic review of the Spanish practice of bullfighting. Hemingway considered whether it was appropriate to endure torture and even slaughter an animal for the sake of the sake of. Hemingway was intrigued by the noble but barbaric act that was akin to Latin Machismo and also to Hemingway it was not a game but an art form and “the only art that the artist is at risk of dying.”


To whom the bell Tolls


In 1937, he went to Spain to cover the Spanish Civil war. He advocated international support for the Popular Front – which was fighting the fascist regime led by Franco. He later wrote a book – For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940), which captures the struggles and brutality of the Spanish civil war. During the Second World War, he continued to work as a foreign correspondent. He was present at the Normandy landings and the liberation of Paris.


Recognition of the literary


Following the Second World War, Hemingway bought a house located in Finca Vigia (“Lookout Farm”) located in Cuba. In Cuba Hemingway composed “The Old Man and The Sea” (1952) A tale about an old fisherman who is a devout Catholic, Spencer Tracy. The novel was highly praised by critics and received the Pulitzer Prize. (1953)

The year 1954 was the time that Hemingway suffered two crashes in a plane that caused him to be extremely injured and in pain for the duration of his days. Following the crash, Hemingway was hospitalized for several years. At the close of, the same year received the Nobel Prize for Literature (1954). The citation he received for this Nobel Prize was

“his ability to master the art of narrative which was recently demonstrated his mastery of narrative most recently demonstrated in The Old Man and the Sea as well as the influence he’s had on the contemporary style.”

For a long time, Hemingway had sought the Nobel Prize, but when He learned about the honor, Hemingway humbly suggested that other writers might be better off. He was worried that the news of his death might have hurt the sentiments of the jury

In the year 1960, Fidel Castro’s ascent to the presidency in Cuba made him come back to the US and he went back to Ketchum, Idaho. The final years were extremely difficult for Hemingway as he experienced extreme physical discomfort and his mental clarity deteriorated He struggled to write and struggled with depression to an increasing degree. He attempted electric shock therapy, but it was unsuccessful. In the year 1961 aged 62nd year, he committed suicide using the help of a shotgun.

The style of writing Hemingway


Hemingway’s style shared some similarities with other modernist writers. It was a reaction to the more complex and turgid style of the 19th century. Hemingway’s writing style was simple and simple, often omitting details yet nevertheless, he was incredibly engaging in bringing the reader into the center of the story and its experience.

“All excellent books alike in the sense that they are more accurate than if they are the case. When you’ve done reading one, you will realize that everything that transpired to you, and in the end, everything belongs to you, both the positive and terrible as well as the exhilaration, sorrow, and regret The people, the locations, and the way that you felt about the climate. If you can get enough of it to be able to give this to others that you love, then you’re writing.”

– Ernest Hemingway

Hemingway called his style”the Iceberg theory.

“If the writer has enough knowledge of the topic they are writing about, they could omit information known to him, and the reader when the writer is truly writing will feel the impact of these things as strongly as if the writer wrote them down. The importance of moving an iceberg comes from only one-eighth being above the water. Writers who leave out things because he doesn’t have a clear understanding of them will create hollow spaces in their writing.”

Ernest Hemingway’s “Death in the Afternoon”

Hemingway stated that the facts are floating above the surface, however, the structure is hidden away from view. The minimalist prose behind it is a lot of effort however the outcome is simple as well as clarity, speed, and immediacy.

He was married four times.

“There are some events so significant that the writer who has been involved in them, must genuinely express himself instead of assuming the pretense of modifying them through invention.”

The author is Ernest Hemingway – Preface to The Great Crusade (1940) by Gustav Regler


The religious views of Hemingway


Hemingway was raised and born in an orthodox Protestant tradition. When he got married for the second time to a woman, he reverted to Catholicism. While he wasn’t always religious in his attendance at mass, however, he was enthralled by Catholic ceremonies, and would frequently go to churches by himself and lit candles. Writing in his works, he also was fascinated by the concept of pilgrimage to Catholic places.

Following his severe accident in July 1918 He was baptized in the presence of an Italian priest and was given the final ceremony. Hemingway also speaks of a spiritual incident that occurred during his severe accident. He claims he was able to feel his

“soul or something that came right from my body as you would pull an untried silk handkerchief out of an open pocket to reveal one corner. Then it flew off and returned and came back again. I was not dead anymore.” ( link)

A selection of works by Hemingway


  • Indian Camp (1926)
  • The Sun Also Rises (1926)
  • An Farewell for Arms (1929)
  • The Little Happy Life of Francis Macomber (1935)
  • “For Whom The Bell Tolls” (1940)
  • The Old Man and the Sea (1951)
  • a movable Food (1964 posthumously)
  • The Truth in First Light (1999)

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