Biography Of William Blake
William Blake (November 28, 1757, until August 12, 1827) was an English poet, painter, and printmaker from England. Blake is regarded as one of the most romantic poets, leaving behind an impressive legacy of poetry. He melded a high-level imagination, mysticism, and vision and a fervent awareness of the brutal reality of the world.
“Tyger, Tyger, burning bright in the forest of the night.
What is the most immortal hand or eye?
Can you frame the fearful symmetry of thy snarling?”
— William Blake – The Tyger (from Songs of Experience)
Short Biographical Description of William Blake
William Blake was born in London on the 28th of November 1757 where he lived for the majority time. His father was an accomplished London host and was attracted to the teachings of the Christian saint Emmanuel Swedenborg. Blake was taught at home, primarily with his maternal grandmother. Blake kept in touch with his mom and wrote plenty of poems about her. Poems like Cradle Song depict Blake’s fond memories of his childhood and his mother:
Sweet dreams form a shade
Oh, my sweet baby’s head!
Dreams of sweet streams and pleasant dreams
By happy, silent, moony beams.
Sweet dreams, and soft down
You can make brows as small as a crown.
Sweep sleep, Angel mild,
Hover over my happy child.
– William Blake
His parents were generally supportive of his artistic talents and encouraged him to acquire Italian prints. He worked as an engraver and a part of the profession at a young age. He found his initial apprenticeship somewhat boring, but the techniques he learned were useful throughout his life as an artist. He quickly became skilled as an engraver, and after finishing his apprenticeship around 1779, he decided to set up his art studio as an independent artist. He was awarded numerous commissions and was regarded for his skill as an artist. Throughout his entire life, Blake was innovative and his ability to portray the spiritual world through physical representation was ridiculed by a section of the media.
The year 1791 was when Blake became enamored of Catherine Boucher, an illiterate and poor girl of Battersea on the Thames. The union was a true connection between mind and soul. Blake instructed his wife on how to write and read and was open about his personal and public experiences. Catherine became a loving wife and a fervent supporter of Blake’s genius artistic talent.
“Love is not seeking to please,
It is not for its own sake that it has any concerns,
For another, it offers convenience,
It also creates a paradise amid despair.”
Song of Experience, The Clod, and the Pebble 1st. 1
Poetry and mystical experiences
“Pity” by William Blake
As a young man, Blake recalls having a vivid vision of Angels in trees. The mystical visions recurred throughout his entire life and left a lasting impression on his poetry as well as his perspective.
“I do not feel embarrassed, scared, or unwilling to tell you what ought to be said: Ich am under the supervision of the Messengers from Heaven every day and Nightly However, the nature of these things are not like some think, without difficulty or concern.”
The letters of William Blake
Biography Of William Blake
William Blake was also particularly sensitive to cruelties. He wept when he saw human brutality towards other males and children. In many ways, he was also a radical in rebellion against the dominant conventional wisdom of the time. His anger and discontent with the world can be observed in his poems ” Songs of Experience”
“How can a bird that was born to be joyful
In a cage, sit and sing?
What is the best way to help a child with fears that irritate,
However, he slacks his wings,
And don’t forget his youth!”
— William Blake: The Schoolboy
Alongside writing poetry that exposed and exposed the brutal reality of life, William Blake never lost touch with his divine visions. Like a true sage, Blake could look beyond the mundane and see a different possibility.
“To imagine a world as one grain of sand
The heavens in a flower
Infinity-like hold in the palm of your hand.
And the eternity of one hour.”
The poem in Auguries of innocence is among the most adored poetry within the English language. In just four lines, he conveys an image of the infinite within the finite and the eternal in the temporarily changing.
One of Blake’s best poems, often called “Jerusalem” – was the preface of the epic poem “Milton A poem spread across 2 books”. This song is a direct result of the legend that Jesus went from Glastonbury, England – in the time before he recorded his activities as a character in the Gospels. According to Blake, Jerusalem was a symbol of creating Heaven on Earth and changing everything ugly about our modern world’s dark satanic factories to England’s lush and beautiful country.” Jerusalem, set to music composed by Hubert Parry in 1916, is often regarded as the nation’s official anthem.
In his life, Blake was never a millionaire. It wasn’t until when he passed away William blake that his talent was acknowledged. Blake’s engravings and commissions brought in enough money to sustain his work however, Blake had to depend on the assistance of a handful of his closest associates. Due to Blake’s personality, which was impulsive and emotional, He wasn’t always the best at keeping friendships.
One time, he ran into trouble with the authorities for having to force the soldier to leave his backyard. This was during the time that was the Napoleonic Wars when the government was repressing any perceived flagrant lack of patriotic sentiment. In this context, Blake was convicted of sedition and faced the prospect of prison. Blake was able to defend himself, and despite the opinions of those who opposed Blake’s anti-military views He was able to obtain an Acquittal.
Religion Blake
Outwardly Blake was an associate of the Church of England, where he was Christened, married, and interred. But his spiritual experience and faith were more profound and unusual than the traditional faith. He was a fervent Christian however, he was often opposed to organized religion.
“And I will conclude by assuring you, Although I’ve been extremely unsatisfied with my life, no more. I am again. I have resurfaced into the sun’s light; I continue and will to Eternity Accept Christianity and adore God, who is the express Image of God” The Letters of Blake
In the latter decades of his existence, he had never gone to a formal church, but viewed religion as an experience that was that should be cherished in private. In his lifetime it was a time of mystical events as well as visions of angels in heaven. These experiences shaped his art, poetry, and perspective on life. This helped Blake think beyond traditional morality and appreciate human goodness and humanity. Blake was a fierce anti-slavery advocate and a strong supporter of the concept of equality for men.
“If the doors to perception were cleansed, all things appear to man in its entirety Infinitum.”
— Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790-1793)
Blake was a reader of the Bible and was impressed by his reading of the New Testament, he was less enthusiastic about the judgments and limitations found throughout the Old Testament. He also was in the direction of Emanuel Swedenborg, a charismatic preacher who believed in his Bible as the word of God. of God. Even though Blake was at times excited about Swedenborg but he was never an active member of his church choosing to keep his spiritual and intellectual autonomy.
Biography Of William Blake
Blake died on the 12th of August 1827. According to eyewitnesses, Blake’s death was a “glorious event’. When he fell sick, Blake sang hymns and was ready to go. The burial was in an undated grave in a cemetery that was public in the Bunhill Fields. Following his death, his influence was growing throughout the Pre-Raphaelites and later, noted poets like T. S. Eliot and W. B. Yeats.
The revered poet William Wordsworth was quoted upon the death of Blake:
“There there was no doubt this man was insane, but there’s something about the insaneness of this man that is more interesting to me than the insaneness that is Lord Byron or Walter Scott.”
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